The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
An Introduction in 12 Explorations
We welcome you to this Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross, an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross and the path its pupils follow.
You can follow these explorations now at your own pace and at a time that suits you. Please get in touch with us with questions, and you are most welcome to join our activities for members around the world!
We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!
Welcome to this Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
In twelve sessions, we explore the teachings and the Spiritual path with which we are engaged in the School of the Golden Rosycross. The Golden Rosycross is a community of persons from all walks of life who are striving to discover the true purpose of life. Through the help and guidance of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross they may unlock the inner source of fundamental knowledge about their own selves and the world around them.
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Unmasking our Reality
Exploration 1 - Unmasking our Reality
Every human being is striving for something. There is always something a person is trying to attain, in one way or another. So all human beings have one thing in common: desire. But desire and its fulfillment are two different things, and how often it happens that, even when we gain what we think we desire, lasting satisfaction nevertheless eludes us.
Self Knowledge
Exploration 2 - Self-Knowledge
Where do I come from? Why am I here? What will happen to me after I die? As seekers, we feel certain that there must exist an objective answer to these questions. But such answers are only available to those who open themselves to the living, transforming Truth. But this living Truth is not something that was once said by a philosopher or a theologian, or found hidden in some ancient manuscript. Neither do you need to seek it far from home, for it lies within you, yourself, and has only to be reawakened and allowed to bloom.
The Two Life-fields
Exploration 3 - The two life fields
Eventually, our yearning for liberation drives us to the limits of what is possible in earthly nature, and we find ourselves faced with an inescapable reality. We have to come to terms with the fact that our desire for the true Human state cannot be satisfied anywhere in the material world as we perceive it. But, at the same time, we are so certain that an ultimate perfection exists. We are so certain that the eternal can be attained. But what makes us so certain of that? What drives us to keep on trying, no matter what?
The Human Being as a Microcosm
Exploration 4 - The human being as a microcosm
When people use the words ‘human being’, they often mean only their egocentric-self, the personality with its body and energetic layers and the mind with its thoughts. But in reality the human system is much more than that. In fact, the human being is a microcosm, a miniature of the entire universe.
With our three-dimensional mind, we can picture the microcosm as a sevenfold sphere, comprising seven fields of existence rotating concentrically, one within the other, with the Spirit-spark as its central point.
The Fundamental Reversal
Exploration 5 - The fundamental reversal
Within the microcosm various forces are at work, forming a field of manifestation with many aspects, the best known we call ‘human being’. This human being is guided by an egocentric consciousness bound by the limitations of time and space and its four bodies are constructed out of this three-dimensional nature, and, like everything in this three-dimensional nature is subject to the law of rising, shining and fading. So the personality being does not reincarnate after death: rather, the microcosm attracts a new vehicle in which its life can be expressed.
The Task of the Personality Being
Exploration 6 - The task of the human personality
‘Daily transmutation’ is the process by which our earthly, egocentric urges are overcome. This cannot be done in an experimental way. Overcoming of the egocentric consciousness is only possible if the need for it is experienced from within.
In this process, the personality is indispensable and the body has an important role to play. This does not mean to say that the physical body itself is spiritualized or resurrected in a divine life field, but that its organs have a task to perform in a spiritual sense.
Some practical guidelines - Freeing the Soul
Exploration 7 - Some practical guidelines - Freeing the Soul
All the body’s organs have functions in addition to their biological ones. When we, as personalities, recognize and accept our task, these additional functions of our bodily vehicles help us to cooperate consciously in the process of restoring the true Human Being.
Every insight, every step forwards, means a change in the deep rooted way that our consciousness functions and as such influences the characteristics of certain organs of our personality. It is the task of the consciousness to actively cooperate in this fundamental process of reversal, allowing it to begin clearing the way for the renewal of the microcosm.
The Real Meaning of Prayer
Exploration 8 - The Real Meaning of Prayer
If, because of all the experiences that have accumulated in your microcosm, you have reached the limit of what is attainable in this field of life and are beginning to experience it as a desert, you will be able to perceive with increasing clarity the calling of the Spirit Spark in the innermost of your being. Based upon this new magnetic reality that manifests itself within you we would like to discuss with you the true meaning of something so often misunderstood, that is what we call ‘prayer’.
Transfiguration - The alchemical process
Exploration 9 - Transfiguration - The alchemical process
What does the word ‘immortality’ truly mean? At the foundation of our wonderful planet – of which we know only a very small part which has been severely impacted by our egocentric way of life – there lies a universal, alchemical formula. This formula was and is expressed by the Universal Thought in the ocean of primordial substance. In this way, through an unfathomably long process, the universal idea is realized and the original consciousness is formed in the primordial substance. This original consciousness is the figure in which the universal Spirit expresses itself. The spirit is the bearer of the light.
The Cosmic Revolution
Exploration 10 - The Cosmic Revolution
‘No man is an island’. Like it or not, we are all connected by the web of life. Though we often imagine ourselves to be separate and independent from one another, our thoughts and feelings, our attitudes and emotions, affect our fellow human beings in subtle ways, even though we may not be consciously aware of it. The whole personality system with all its organs can be seen as an apparatus for absorbing planetary and cosmic ethers and adapting them in such a way that they can be used to maintain the individual’s physical, mental and emotional state of being.
The Universal Teachings
Exploration 11 -The Universal Teachings and the eternal path
To explain to others or ourselves aspects of the Universal Teachings we very often engage in profound philosophical, historical or intellectual considerations. However, although these can sometimes be extremely interesting and lead to deeper insight into how everything fits together, this type of study alone cannot give access to the spiritual essence of the Universal Teachings. For its spiritual essence is Light, radiation. That is why direct perception of the Universal Teachings is made possible only by one’s inner state. The words and symbols, however, are not the liberating power of the Universal Truth itself.
The Powerfield of the Spiritual School
Exploration 12 - What comes next? - The real work of a Spiritual School
The path presented by the Spiritual School is not for perfect people, for superhuman beings who are exalted far above the ordinary, everyday level. And neither does it matter whether or not one has had a good education on the countless sources of the Universal Teachings. Everyone who follows the path one day has to realise that the sum of all knowledge is ‘that we know nothing’. Only then are we open to the radiations of the Universal Teachings, and only then can true wisdom be born in us.