The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
An Introduction in 12 Explorations
We welcome you to this Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross, an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross and the path its pupils follow.
You can follow these explorations now at your own pace and at a time that suits you. Please get in touch with us with questions, and you are most welcome to join our activities for members around the world!
We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!
Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
The Powerfield of the Spiritual School

Summary Exploration 12 - What comes next? - The real work of a Spiritual School
The path presented by the Spiritual School is not for perfect people, for superhuman beings who are exalted far above the ordinary, everyday level. And neither does it matter whether or not one has had a good education on the countless sources of the Universal Teachings. Everyone who follows the path one day has to realise that the sum of all knowledge is ‘that we know nothing’. Only then are we open to the radiations of the Universal Teachings, and only then can true wisdom be born in us.
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Exploration 12 - What comes next? - The real work of a Spiritual School
What now? What comes next? These questions are probably uppermost in your mind as you read this – the twelfth and final exploration of our journey. The answers, though, depend on you. What would you like to do with the information that has been offered to you? Has it appealed to you? Does it make you feel you would like to explore it further? Or do you feel you have heard enough, now, and would prefer to continue your spiritual search elsewhere? A decision like this can only be made in inner freedom, and in response to your deepest inner needs. Whatever you decide on that basis, your decision will be a good one.
Perhaps you feel you need some space to think everything over carefully and gain inner clarity. Take as much time as you need until you know from within: I am ready for it; I want to go further. Or not, as you wish.