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Golden Rose


Our Mission

Within every human being lies a Universal Principle
of a new state of consciousness, leading to a new state of life,
free from all anxiety, worry and fear.
To those who long for this new state of being, the Golden Rosycross presents an inner path through which truly living in spiritual freedom, harmony and joy, with all humankind and the entire universe, can become a practical reality.

What is the Golden Rosycross?

"Man, know yourself, and you will know the gods."

The Golden Rosycross is a contemporary gnostic Initiation School in which its pupils strive to transform their consciousness through their daily life.

To be a Rosicrucian means the union of the Real Being latent in the centre of the human heart, the Rose, to our own life, the Cross.

The source of this knowledge is Universal Wisdom itself, manifested in all times, cultures and peoples.


The Golden Rosycross presents to seeking human beings a process through which they can find answers, and convert them into their own path of transformation.

Vitruvian Man
What is a Rosicrucian?


Golden Rosycross symbol

The Symbol Circle, Triangle, Square, and Centre Point:

The point represents the universal consciousness, the Force of the Spirit.

This Force is known under many names throughout history and different traditions:
Atman, Noûs, Lotus Flower, Inner Christ, Spirit Spark, Rosebud.

It is the only possible basis for the manifestation of a new consciousness.

The equilateral triangle symbolises the new consciousness, which is formed by the balance of three new capacities: a new thinking, a new feeling and new deed.

The square indicates the transformation of all life through the new consciousness. Its four sides indicate the transmutation of the vehicles of the human personality, from the physical body to the most subtle energetic aspects.

The circle indicates the conscious and perfect reintegration of the individual on the universal plane, the realisation of the great objective of human existence.

Our Symbol's Meaning

The human conscience is a prisoner of its own self-centeredness.
This state of consciousness will never be the basis of the initiation process.
Those who want to follow the initiation path must overcome themselves. For those who overcome themselves can become capable of truly loving and serving humanity and the world.

The Initiation Path has different aspects:

  1. Self - knowledge - becoming aware of your own self-centeredness;

  2. Connection - establishing the initial and conscious connection with the Real Being and overcoming self-centeredness;

  3. New Consciousness - through this initial connection, transform thinking, feeling and acting, which allows the emergence of a new consciousness;

  4. Spiritual Consciousness - through continuous work, the new consciousness develops and matures, fully uniting with the Real Being;

  5. Transmutation - Spiritual awareness triggers an energetic transformation of the vehicles of the personality, focusing on its most subtle aspects;

  6. New Vitality - The energetic transformation moves towards an organic transformation, which results in a totally new vital energy;

  7. Reintegration - Reintegrated into the universe, the new human being becomes a servant of the world and humanity.


The Pheonix
The Gnostic Path of Initiation
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