The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
An Introduction in 12 Explorations
We welcome you to this Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross, an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross and the path its pupils follow.
You can follow these explorations now at your own pace and at a time that suits you. Please get in touch with us with questions, and you are most welcome to join our activities for members around the world!
We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!
Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
The Universal Teachings

Summary Exploration 11 -The Universal Teachings and the eternal path
To explain to others or ourselves aspects of the Universal Teachings we very often engage in profound philosophical, historical or intellectual considerations. However, although these can sometimes be extremely interesting and lead to deeper insight into how everything fits together, this type of study alone cannot give access to the spiritual essence of the Universal Teachings. For its spiritual essence is Light, radiation. That is why direct perception of the Universal Teachings is made possible only by one’s inner state. The words and symbols, however, are not the liberating power of the Universal Truth itself.
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Exploration 11 -The Universal Teachings and the eternal path
Most of this inner journey through the Universal Teachings as they are taught in the School of the Golden Rosycross now lies behind you.
However, we know that the two remaining explorations will not be sufficient to complete the picture we have been trying to show you, for the path presented by the Golden Rosycross is a path of never-ending development. Nevertheless, if you have read these texts with an open mind, motivated by an inner longing to find the truth, we are fairly certain that many doors will already have been opened for you, and that you will have been ‘touched by freedom’.
Our aim was to give you a better insight into our life field, how it works, and what its true purpose is, and we hope that this insight has given new energy and clarity to your yearning for liberation, so much so that you will now be willing and able to take action, and put into practice what you have learned.