The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
An Introduction in 12 Explorations
We welcome you to this Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross, an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross and the path its pupils follow.
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Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
The Two Life-fields

Summary Exploration 3 - The two life fields
Eventually, our yearning for liberation drives us to the limits of what is possible in earthly nature, and we find ourselves faced with an inescapable reality. We have to come to terms with the fact that our desire for the true Human state cannot be satisfied anywhere in the material world as we perceive it. But, at the same time, we are so certain that an ultimate perfection exists. We are so certain that the eternal can be attained. But what makes us so certain of that? What drives us to keep on trying, no matter what?
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Exploration 3 - The two life fields
Eventually, our yearning for salvation drives us to the limits of what is possible in earthly nature, and we find ourselves faced with an inescapable reality. We have to come to terms with the fact that our desire for the true Human state cannot be satisfied anywhere in this material world, and neither can it be satisfied in the hereafter after death.
Experience shows us that everything that exists in this nature is subject to the law of rising, shining and fading. Everything that is born, everything that has a beginning, will eventually decay, and come to an end. And experience shows us that the hereafter, too, is governed by the same law. There, too, time and space prevail, and everything perishes after a while. So, eternal life is not to be found there.