The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
An Introduction in 12 Explorations
We welcome you to this Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross, an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross and the path its pupils follow.
You can follow these explorations now at your own pace and at a time that suits you. Please get in touch with us with questions, and you are most welcome to join our activities for members around the world!
We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!
Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
The Cosmic Revolution

Summary Exploration 10 - The Cosmic Revolution
‘No man is an island’. Like it or not, we are all connected by the web of life. Though we often imagine ourselves to be separate and independent from one another, our thoughts and feelings, our attitudes and emotions, affect our fellow human beings in subtle ways, even though we may not be consciously aware of it. The whole personality system with all its organs can be seen as an apparatus for absorbing planetary and cosmic ethers and adapting them in such a way that they can be used to maintain the individual’s physical, mental and emotional state of being.
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Exploration 10 - The Cosmic Revolution
‘No man is an island’. Like it or not, we are all connected by the web of life. Though we often imagine ourselves to be separate and independent from one another, our thoughts and feelings, our attitudes and emotions, affect our fellow human beings in subtle ways, even though we may not be consciously aware of it. This is true, not only of those who are alive in the visible, material world, but also of those who have died and whose subtle bodies are therefore in the process of dissolution in the domains on yonder side of the veil. And, among human beings who, whether through ignorance or self-will, seek to maintain the I-central self, this fact has some rather serious consequences, as we hope to show in this exploration.
To do this, we first need to remind ourselves about the cycle of birth and death, and how it works. As we explained earlier, the etheric or vital body is part of the fourfold personality system of the human being. It is because of the vital body that the whole material organism can work and the individual can think and feel.