The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
An Introduction in 12 Explorations
We welcome you to this Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross, an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross and the path its pupils follow.
You can follow these explorations now at your own pace and at a time that suits you. Please get in touch with us with questions, and you are most welcome to join our activities for members around the world!
We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!
Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross
Some practical guidelines - Freeing the Soul

Summary Exploration 7 - Some practical guidelines - Freeing the Soul
All the body’s organs have functions in addition to their biological ones. When we, as personalities, recognize and accept our task, these additional functions of our bodily vehicles help us to cooperate consciously in the process of restoring the true Human Being.
Every insight, every step forwards, means a change in the deep rooted way that our consciousness functions and as such influences the characteristics of certain organs of our personality. It is the task of the consciousness to actively cooperate in this fundamental process of reversal, allowing it to begin clearing the way for the renewal of the microcosm.
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Exploration 7 - Some practical guidelines - Freeing the Soul
In our last exploration, we explained how the personality can contribute to the liberation of the microcosm. All the body’s organs – especially the blood – have other functions in addition to their biological ones. When we, as personalities, recognize and accept our task, these additional functions of our bodily vehicles help us to cooperate consciously in the process of restoring the true Human Being.
The metabolic processes going on in our bodies are also involved in the process of fundamental reversal. Every insight, every step forwards, means a change in the hidden characteristics of certain organs. In this way, the aural being also changes and the microcosm is made increasingly receptive to the forces that will ultimately lead to the rebirth of the soul.