dom, 12 may
|Zoom Webinar
The Grail of Light - Ancient legends of Celtic Tradition I Americas, Europe, Africa
The mystery wisdom of the Celts is reflected in many myths and legends. Many stories recount the Land of the Ever Living, the Tír na nÓg, a Divine realm in which no polarity, decay nor conflict exist. Tír na nÓg is omnipresent but only accessible to those who have the key.
Hora & ubicación
12 may 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 GMT-4
Zoom Webinar
Descripción del evento
The Grail of Light - Ancient legends of Celtic Tradition I Americas, Europe, Africa
Gnostic Contemplation on Zoom
Check your local time: https://dateful.com/eventlink/3348653657
Since time immemorial, the Celtic regions of Ireland and Britian, known by as ‘The Sacred Islands of the West’, or ‘The Island of the Yearning’ by the Brahmans, have been wellsprings of myth and magic. A universal wisdom pervades these ancient myths and sagas of the Celts and their timeless essence still speaks to the seeking hearts of today’s human beings. Every free Celt had an individual living link with the divine, as far as his consciousness allowed. The Celts knew themselves to be embedded in the World Soul, not as the individualised personalities we are today, but as part of a mysterious whole.
The mystery wisdom of the Celts is reflected in many myths and legends. Many stories recount the Land of the Ever Living, the Tír na nÓg, a Divine realm in which no polarity, decay nor conflict exist. Tír na nÓg is omnipresent but only accessible to those who have the key. Most remarkable are the Celtic tales about the magical cauldron which appears in later stories as the Holy Grail.
The Cauldron or magical cup was of Divine descent, in which the gods mixed creative and life-giving elements. If a mortal human being drank from it, he received the key to Tír nan Óg and was transformed into an immortal being.
The symbol of the magical Cauldron of plenty, the Chalice, the Grail cup has accompanied humanity since as far back as we can tell, perhaps evolving, but nevertheless speaking to the imagination of countless seekers throughout the ages as the Key to True Life.
The quest for the Holy Grail is anchored indestructibly in the consciousness of humanity because it resonates with the deep-seated knowledge of something which we lost and can again be found – the Tír nan Óg. The realm of True Human Life.
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