Rays of Light past and present
Detalles del libro:
Rozekruis Pers
Código de editores
Peter Huijs
The journey of the Gnosis through Europe and the Near East has had its effects felt in many parts of the world. The spiritual drive behind this work of liberation of the light-soul is revealed through the birth of the modern spiritual consciousness, which has taken shape within the modern Gnosis through the form and the activity of the International School of the Golden Rosycross. This book deals specifically with that beacon of light, and with the new state of consciousness resulting from the liberation of the Spirit, of the other one in the human being.
In this book the reader is taken on an impressive and unexpected journey; the journey of the Gnosis in Europe and the Near East, the effects of which have been felt in many parts of the world. This impressive journey is due to the fact that the Gnosis surfaces precisely in times of change. In those moments, human deficiency shows itself; in other words, its deficiency in Gnosis.
This book deals specifically with that light and with that consciousness. It is the tale of the liberation of the spirit, of the other one in the human being. The author, Peter Huijs, sketches the circumstances that were important in this respect before the beginning of our era, in the time of the so-called cosmic-mythic consciousness. He then describes how, in the first centuries of our era, the gnostic idea of the two nature orders acquired form and content. People pass before the mind’s eye, as they were involved in the growth phases of group-consciousness progressing toward self-consciousness, whether they experienced this development in independent groups, schools or churches.
Persons from long ago are brought to life again, modest and at the same time, heroic individuals who lived for the Call (as this spiritual impulse has also been known), and who more often than not, had to sacrifice their lives because of this dedication. The reader learns of the spiritual drive behind the work of liberation of the light-soul. The latter part of the book then reveals the birth of the modern spiritual consciousness, demonstrating its necessity. Finally, it describes the lines along which the modern Gnosis has taken shape in the International School of the Golden Rosycross.
Read quotes from this book...
The Universal Brotherhood. (Page 13)
A Church of Pure Love (Page 102)
Z.W. Leene, Jan van Rijckenborgh, and Catharose de Petri. (Page 341)