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A new message of the most laudable Brotherhooh of the Rosycross 1614-2014

Detalles del libro:
Rozekruis Pers
Código de editores
Peter Huijs
Since the publication of the ‘Fama Fraternitatis’ in 1614, there have been many who have sought to identify its authorship, and to understand its hidden message and its timely call, without the slightest success. In this book, the authors bring a deeper clarity to the messages of the ‘Fama’, raising them into the language of the modern consciousness. The four pillars, the four foundation stones upon which this eternal wisdom is built, are explored in detail, so that we can begin to fathom the universal truth that radiates from its every word.
With the publication of the ‘Fama Fraternitatis’ in 1614, there have been many who have sought to identify its authorship, and to understand its hidden message and its timely call, all without the slightest success. For the message that is to be found within it, is the voice of the Universal Wisdom; the Universal Teachings that have accompanied mankind throughout history. Written in the language of its day, the ‘Fama Fraternitatis’ is a compendium of the Universal Love that calls all those whose heart truly seeks God.
In this book, the authors bring a deeper clarity to the messages of the ‘Fama’, raising them into the language of the modern consciousness. The four pillars, the four foundation stones upon which this eternal wisdom is built, are explored in detail, so that we can begin to fathom the universal truth that radiates from its every word. Describing the four states of humanity - the ordinary, the special, the lonely and the perfect – we see how mankind is never abandoned, but always offered the Light of Love that sacrifices itself to meet him at whatever stage of spiritual endeavour he finds himself.
In this exploration of the ‘Fama Fraternitatis’, the mysteries of the Gnostic Light are revealed for the genuine seeker, opening its mysteries of the one Eternal Truth through its language of humility, directed at the longing heart.
Read quotes from this book...
The Four Pillars of Eternal Wisdom. (Page 9)
The Four Human States. (Page 15)
The Four Pillars of the Fama Fraternitatis. (Page 21)