A New Call
of the Septuple World-Brotherhood of the Golden Rosycross
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Rozekruis Pers
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Jan van Rijckenborgh
In 1614 the Rosicrucians published their call, or Fama, outlining the teachings of Christian initiation and inviting readers to examine them seriously and to act in accordance with their conclusions. At a conference held in Wiesbaden, Germany, in 1952, Jan van Rijckenborgh announced the same Rosicrucian call couched in modern terms. Not merely a speech, but a magical act, the announcement of this call, said Jan van Rijckenborgh, marked "a turning point in the 20th century, an irrevocable transformation in the entire course of world events in which every human being, every nation, and every race will have to participate." In this book the text of this important speech is reprinted.
For more than half a century, humanity has come under the gradually increasing influence of a new radiation power; an atmospheric change whose impulse is touching the very heart of mankind. This impulse is driving humanity towards a path of renewal, a path of inner change, a path of preparation for new soul growth. It is a path that is awakening the consciousness to the morning of a new hope; an inner path of increasing self-awareness, that builds the foundations of renewal through new insights.
This book is a call to ‘all those who have ears to hear’, and whose hearts long for true unity, harmony and love. This call is the silent voice of the new atmospheric conditions that we now inhale with every breath, stimulating us towards the rebirth of that which has for so long been dormant within us. It calls us to leave the old behind and take a step into a new future; a future to which all of humanity is invited.
This invitation, can only be fulfilled through self-activity, through ‘placing our hands to the plough’. A threefold path towards a renewed union with the Spirit has been opened, and one can walk this path of transmutation and transfiguration if they possess a deep insight, a true longing, and a dedication to the service of others. Thus we are all called to build the foundation blocks of this inner transmutation, so that the transfiguration of the whole being can be crowned by the approaching light of true human genesis.
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Quote: (Page 15)
From the 1953 edition