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volume 34 nr 2
March/April 2012

Light! Greatest mystery, all-pervasive, elusive, invincible, all-surpassing beauty, what is it that you have unveiled of yourself? What is it that people have wormed out of you in their quest to be able to seize infinity? ‘Hail holy Light, offspring of Heav’n first-born, or of th’ Eternal Coeternal beam. May I express thee unblam’d? Since God is light, and never but in unapproached light dwelt from Eternity, dwelt then in thee, bright effluence of bright essence increate! - John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 3
Articles in this issue...
02 | About the dawn and the glow of the sun or how people come to the light |
04 | The light has called me: the Fivefold Gnosis |
08 | International cooperation between editors and readers |
10 | The backside of the light |
14 | Photon is my name: I am best known in the form of light |
18 | Lokasenna - loki’s dispute |
22 | Are we light beings - or fake beings? |
25 | Light of the eyes |
28 | The One |
29 | The manifestation of the light |
30 | Crossing frontiers: a few remarks about ‘Revolution 2012’ |
31 | The wonderful book |
32 | Another, deeper insight |
34 | What is the true essence of the light? - making time: admitting the light |
36 | There is light in everything - recognise it in your neighbour |
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