Gnosis and Rosycross
An Exploration of the Meaning of Life
We welcome you to this introductory series, offering the opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross and the path its pupils follow.
The content presented here is intended as a background to our regular public events in which we discuss in depth the universal teachings of the Golden Rosycross. Please see our upcoming events, and we most cordially welcome you to join our events for seekers around the world!
Explorations of Gnosis and Rosycross
The Power of Thinking Inspired by the Soul

Summary Exploration 6 The Power of Thinking Inspired by the Soul
We will delve into the magical interplay between external life and inner perception. Let's unveil the secrets of the human experience, where ignorance gives way to enlightenment & darkness paves the path to divine light through the Soul.
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A New Creative Activity
Today we will explore how the thinking process influences our lives.
It is beyond question that, from time immemorial, not a shadow of pure reason has resided in man. His thinking has become very hypothetical and speculative and, accordingly, exercising the will likewise has descended to a very low and speculative level. In the original state of human life, in purity and holiness, the thinking faculty was able to grasp the absolute divine reason […].
Human thinking is now cut off from the divine wisdom and because of it, the will and desire are highly speculative, with all the terrible consequences ensuing. […] From the moment man lost contact with the divine reason, which contact had been brought about firsthand and directly with his
thinking faculty, he was given up to an experimental life. He walked no longer ‘in