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Change yourself, change the World - free talk in London*
Change yourself, change the World - free talk in London*

sam. 27 mai


London - ISH venue

Change yourself, change the World - free talk in London*

Who am I and what might I become? How can I make a significant change in the World around me? More and more people ask themselves these questions, but how do we move from idea to reality?

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27 mai 2023, 19:00 – 20:30 UTC+1

London - ISH venue, International Student House, 1 Park Cres, London W1B 1SH, UK


Change yourself, change the World

Free Public Talk in London on Sat 27 May @7pm

@ the International Students House, 1 Park Cres, London W1B 1SH

Who am I and what might I become?

How can I make a significant change in the World around me?

Today's world presents to us all an almost dizzying degree of outer world change, accompanied with an ever-faster series of life crises and a rhythm of existence that puts great pressure on many people.

Our focus and attention, ever more being required to adapt to outer events in the latest news, scandal or technological developments, leaves little or no time left to turn our attention to exploring ourselves and the meaning of our life.

Yet, when turning our attention inwardly, towards the deepest essence of our being, we will find there a different nucleus of consciousness, a different centre of energy, lays dormant there. In fact, it lays not outside but within ourselves, being a divine nucleus which has been stirring and beckoning us to explore more closely the true mystery of life.

So again, who in truth am I? How could I actually change the World?

If we are willing to explore these questions within our own self, and so investigate their deeper meaning in our own lives, then we may begin to understand that we talk here of entering into an understanding of oneself which means primarily and of necessity, to have self-knowledge.

It also means that we need to delve deeper into ourselves than is the case with worldly problem solving, in order to honestly deal with the issues emanating from our misinterpreting the influence of our ego consciousness. Through forging a changed attitude to life and a renewed soul consciousness, such a transformation creates an orientation that achieves complete autonomy from the powers of self-preservation that rule over our lives in the material world around us.

We warmly invite you to join us on Saturday 27 May @7pm at the International Student House, 1 Park Cres, London W1B 1SH

Feel free to come few minutes early for refreshments!

On Sunday 28th of May, we will hold what we call a Renewal Conference in the same venue

Monthly Renewal Conferences are attended in the Temples of the Golden Rosycross across the World by our members and pupils. This special activity provides the Spiritual nourishment, concentrated and transformed in the focal points that are our Temples by and through the conscious Spiritual activity of pupils and they are dispensed to all seeking human beings, to each according to their need, so never in a natural-magical way, what always is an impersonal call to inner freedom.

The Light radiations touch the human heart and impel it to connect with the Divine essence within us, to build on this connection and walk the path of self-initiation that is the Path of the Golden Rosycross.

This month we will reflect on the theme of "Artificial Intelligence".

Programme for the Sunday

Sunday 28 May

11am - 1st Conference Service

12.15 - Lunch

13.30 - 2nd Conference Service

14.15 - Open Exchange

15.30 - 3rd Conference Service & closing words

If you wish to participate, you are very welcome!

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What is a Renewal Conference?

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ISH venue

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