The Gnosis in Present-Day Manifestation

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Jan van Rijckenborgh
For many seekers after Truth, there arise the questions surrounding the idea of contact with what they seek: is this possible or even necessary; if so, how does it manifest; what form does it take; how is it maintained; and how is it even beneficial? In The Gnosis in Present-day Manifestation Jan van Rijckenborgh describes how such a force field has been established in our time, within the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross. It is a Living Body, which is consciously maintained by joint alignment with the spiritual world, thus nourishing everyone.
For many seekers after Truth, there arise the questions surrounding the idea of contact with what they seek: is this possible or even necessary; if so, how does it manifest; what form does it take, and how is it maintained, and even beneficial?
These important questions are addressed by Jan van Rijckenborgh, taking the reader through the methodical steps that lead to such a connection with the ‘Light of the Gnosis’. From the starting point of the longing of the heart, through the structural needs of building a spiritual ‘house’ in this world, to that moment of the union of the new soul with the spirit, the seeker is given a deeper insight into how the Universal Gnosis manifests and operates, not only within themselves, but also within this world, for the benefit of all mankind.
Using the Universal Language of all times to highlight the one message that has always accompanied mankind, the author places before our consciousness the activity of the Gnosis. Our attention is directed to the fundamental essence that is always present within the Universal Teachings – a presence that always has a philosophical component (appealing to the head – the thinking), a mystical element (appealing to the heart – the feeling), and a very practical spiritual help (appealing to the hands – the action).
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