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24 items found for "Bethlehem"

  • 2003-2eng

    41 The Star Of Bethlehem Previous Next

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay03

    And when upon their way they came to Bethlehem the day was done, and they must tarry for the night. But Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem; the inns and homes were filled with guests Now, on the hills of Bethlehem were many flocks of sheep with shepherds guarding them. At midnight in a cave in Bethlehem was born the prophet and the king that you have long been waiting And Zacharias and Elizabeth took John and came to Bethlehem with words of cheer.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay06

    And then his courtiers told him of another child in Bethlehem, one born to go before and to prepare the This angered more and more the king; he called his guards and bid them go to Bethlehem and slay the infant Elizabeth knew not that Herod sought to slay her son, and she and John were yet in Bethlehem; but when It allows itself to be guided by a star, the star of Bethlehem, the five-pointed star, also known as The pentagram is also the five-pointed star of Bethlehem which shines above the cave of birth after the

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay04

    And Mary took the infant Jesus and returned to Bethlehem. But Bethlehem was thronged with people going to Jerusalem; the inns and homes were filled with guests Now, on the hills of Bethlehem were many flocks of sheep with shepherds guarding them. At midnight in a cave in Bethlehem was born the prophet and the king that you have long been waiting Jesus is born in the greatest darkness of the night in a cave in Bethlehem (meaning ‘bread house’) where

  • Glossary

    Search Golden Rosycross Bethlehem indication for the condition of the heart of one who, in true yearning In every true pupil, Bethlehem becomes the beginning of the ancient way, which finds its glorious end

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay05

    long ago foretold that one would come to rule the tribes of Israel; that this Messiah would be born in Bethlehem They said, “The prophet Micah wrote, ‘O Bethlehem Judea, a little place among the Judean hills, yet out again and told them what the masters of the Jewish law had said; and then he sent them on the way to Bethlehem

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay01

    The story of Jesus is the story of the earthly life that begins with the birth in Bethlehem and ends therefore in a spiritual sense a follower of Jesus, someone who undertakes within himself the journey from Bethlehem

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay11

    heart, sorrow ennobles the mind, pain and distress bring us closer to the Father-Mother of the child of Bethlehem

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay12

    By quieting the heart and letting it enter into the deep peace of Bethlehem, we open our being to the

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay02

    Such a pupil on the Gnostic Christian path is a follower of Christ and therefore goes the road from Bethlehem

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