jeu. 10 oct.
|Événement en ligne gratuit
Sagesse Vivante de la Bhagavad Gita | Amériques-Europe-Afrique
Votre heure locale : www.dateful.com/eventlink/9284424297 Nous pensons généralement à un chemin spirituel apportant la paix, cependant, dans la Bhagavad Gita, nous découvrons l'histoire de la bataille épique qui se déroule dans notre cœur, dévoilant l'essence spirituelle du chemin du retour au véritable être humain.
10 oct. 2024, 14:00 – 15:30 UTC−4
Événement en ligne gratuit
"The Spiritual Self-Revolution - Beyond the Conditioned Mind" | Americas-Europe-Africa
Free Public Talk on Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83825047548
Check your local date/time below
The macrocosmic forces and movements acting in and on our planet are reflected in the microcosm of our own self. When we understand these macrocosmic movements and forces – or even if we don’t – we also discover how deeply our own being is influenced and shaped by the continual subtle and dramatic planetary movements.
The result of these forces and their interactions in our lives have brought us to this moment: we face a crisis, a cosmic revolution, that is as real within our own little world, our microcosm, as it is in the macrocosmic world around us. The planet is bathed in cosmic forces and influences that are pulling us in all directions, such that sometimes we are at a loss for what to…