mar. 24 oct.
Egyptian Hermeticism, a Spiritual call from the past - Free talk in Cork*
We would like to reflect together on the ancient wisdom radiating from Egypt past and its very much current Spiritual call for a revolution of the human consciousness.
24 oct. 2023, 19:30 UTC+1 – 25 oct. 2023, 21:00 UTC+1
Cork, Anderson's Quay, Centre, Cork, T12 DCR9, Ireland
Egyptian Hermeticism, a Spiritual call from the past
Free Public Talk in Cork, Ireland
Date: Tuesday 24 October @7pm
Venue: Leonardo Hotel (former Jury's Inn), Anderson's Quay, Centre, Cork, T12 DCR9, Ireland
Throughout history humanity has been accompanied in by emissaries of the One Light, mythical figures, masters, great Spiritual leaders, who showed the human beings who could raise their head above the mere existence and survival the way back to Oneness, the Divine Kingdom, Nirvana.
This was once a path for few initiates, for the high priests in various culures, nations, historical moments, however this possibility is now open to all those who can open their being, their hearts and minds to the possibility for inner change.
We will explore why and how the Spiritual message that reaches us seemingly from a long gone past, is actually a very live call to each of us to turn our conciousness, and therefore our life, completely around!
Join us and let's explore this together!
We warmly invite you to join us on Tuesday 24 October @7pm at the Leonardo Hotel (former Jury's Inn), Anderson's Quay, Centre, Cork, T12 DCR9, Ireland
Feel free to come few minutes early for refreshments!
Our next talks in Cork:
Thu 23 Nov - Reincarnation & Spiritual ascension
Tue 12 Dec - Beyond religion, the Christ consciousness
For more information about the International School of the Golden Rosycross, browse our website: https://www.goldenrosycross.org
For inspiration, food for thought and to explore your Spirituality