Mysteries and Challenges of Birth, Life and Death
Becoming a new Human Being

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Andre de Boer and Rene Stevelivk
Taking inspiration from a wide selection of spiritual teachers and movements throughout history, the authors address the subject of Birth, Life and Death using both ancient and modern concepts to unveil their mysteries for us. Introducing the esoteric ideas of the human being as a microcosm, his fall from Grace, his mortality, and his inner divinity, the reader is given a structured spiritual foundation upon which to build a deeper awareness of the subject, and gain a clear understanding of how and why the laws of birth and death are not only intrinsic aspects of our current ‘life’, but are in essence a grace and help on our spiritual journey.
Taking inspiration from a wide selection of spiritual teachers and movements throughout history, the authors, Andre de Boer and Rene Stevelink, approach the subject of Birth, Life and Death from as broad a view as possible, using both ancient and modern concepts to unveil these mysteries for us. Introducing the esoteric ideas of man as a microcosm, his fall from Grace, his mortality, and his inner divinity, the reader is given a structured spiritual foundation upon which to build a deeper awareness of the subjects.
Moving from the philosophical into the practical, ‘life’ is explained from its genesis to its current expression in form, all the while relating it to the underlying ‘laws’ that move, not only all of creation, but in particular, man. Thus, we are given a very clear understanding of how and why the laws of birth and death are not only intrinsic aspects of our current ‘life’, but are in essence a grace and help on man’s spiritual journey of return.
Having shown that birth and death are aspects of life that have an underlying spiritual purpose, the authors then take this knowledge to its fundamental conclusion: that the transitory life that man currently experiences, has only one aim, which is to give him the experiences that will bring him to ‘self-awareness’. To further help us gain insights into this journey, the authors address the primary ‘challenges’ that will face every individual on this path: respect, acceptance, awareness, love, happiness, deception, understanding, and building. Thus, these ‘challenges’ are placed in the light of positivity, as a ‘hand of help’, extended to those who truly seek to know and understand these mysteries of life, birth and death.
Read quotes from this book...
Acquiring the Resurrection Body. (Page 133)
Expanding Awareness. (Page 213)
Building the Inner Temple. (Page 293)